Golf Croquet
This is the game most people in Australia begin playing. Golf croquet is easier to learn and play than Association but it does require strategic skills and accurate play. A hoop is won by the first ball to go through the hoop and, unlike Association Croquet, there are no additional turns for hitting other balls.
Each player takes a stroke in turn, each trying to hit a ball through the same hoop. The sequence of play is blue, red, black, yellow. Blue and black balls play against red and yellow. When a hoop is won, the sequence of play continues as before. The winner of the game is the first player/team to win 7 hoops or the most hoops in the time frame. Golf croquet is the fastest-growing version of the game, owing largely to its simplicity and competitiveness, association croquet being more like snooker on grass. |
Golf Croquet at the highest level.