LATEST NEWS - We've had few busy months - a fantastic membership drive via WEA with a resulting number of new members who've got the bug.
There's another course starting in October.
We won a grant with ORSR for a new lighting system, well actually 1/2 the cost of the system. This will make night play so much easier, unfortunately the installation process is very slow.
We plan to have a celebratory turning on of the lights before daylight saving happens in October.
The other new installation is an office - never had one before.
The council had some money left over from the Tennis Club up grade, we lobbied for an accessible toilet. The council found a spot which unfortunately meant the china painters lost their southern studio area, but the whole complex now has an accessible toilet.
Behind the toilet adjacent to our club rooms was an empty space on the plan- which became our office with great views onto all 4 courts. Will be great next year for the Eire cup.
The club now has to fill up the coffers to pay the remainder of the lighting costs and to equip the office.
So please buy a ticket in the People's Choice Credit Union now Peoples's First lottery
Or make a tax deductable donation through the Australia Sports Foundation
There's another course starting in October.
We won a grant with ORSR for a new lighting system, well actually 1/2 the cost of the system. This will make night play so much easier, unfortunately the installation process is very slow.
We plan to have a celebratory turning on of the lights before daylight saving happens in October.
The other new installation is an office - never had one before.
The council had some money left over from the Tennis Club up grade, we lobbied for an accessible toilet. The council found a spot which unfortunately meant the china painters lost their southern studio area, but the whole complex now has an accessible toilet.
Behind the toilet adjacent to our club rooms was an empty space on the plan- which became our office with great views onto all 4 courts. Will be great next year for the Eire cup.
The club now has to fill up the coffers to pay the remainder of the lighting costs and to equip the office.
So please buy a ticket in the People's Choice Credit Union now Peoples's First lottery
Or make a tax deductable donation through the Australia Sports Foundation
Every Friday evenings ring - Jeff 0413130981
Bar open- BYO food BBQ turned on about 6.30pm
Situated in the Eastern Suburbs of Adelaide the Norwood Croquet Club dates back to 1939.For 75 years we have been playing and teaching croquet and we think that we're one of the best clubs in Adelaide.
How can we help?
Do you want to learn to play?
Know when we play?
Thinking of having a function here?
How can we help?
Do you want to learn to play?
Know when we play?
Thinking of having a function here?
Croquet is usually great fun, often devious; those Victorian women rid themselves of a lot of angst playing Croquet!
It's as social and uncomplicated or as competitive and challenging as you want. The only limits to playing are your height: minimum about 4 feet ( all imperial measurements in croquet) and the ability to walk!
Age and gender are not an issue, but being strategic and having a bit of cunning is advantageous
It's as social and uncomplicated or as competitive and challenging as you want. The only limits to playing are your height: minimum about 4 feet ( all imperial measurements in croquet) and the ability to walk!
Age and gender are not an issue, but being strategic and having a bit of cunning is advantageous